Weekend Trips and Summer Vacations! Getting out more most likely due to warmer weather has generated a lot more people to people contact. Dont stop being aware of the spread of Covid-19.
Im a Pilates instructor so Im all about awarness, mindfulness, fitness and overall presence time consiounses. My studio and many others are practicing 2 to 1. Instructor and 2 people for personal traing on pilates equipment and mat work and maintaining 6 feet apart and of course no touching. Im also taking my classes for matwork outside. So that would look like 6 people max, staying 6 feet apart, bringing your own mat and getting good ole fashion fresh air and sunshine.
Please stay healthy, look for healthy minded Fitness coaches that want to keep you moving and safe this summer.
Four Ideas On Staying Healthy With Activities:
1. Use your own personal items as much as you can. For example, beach towels, lotions, drinks, exercise mats and towels. Be careful of places, events (ie. 4th July gatherings) where others are letting their guard down (ie. not wearing mask). Keep true to being wise and careful.
2. Have your own supplies of disinfectant wipes, mask gloves with you. Be creative, get the kids, hubby significant other to decorate, paint, sew. Whatever it takes to make fun. For example, make a bag cut out cardboard for the bottom and decorate it with a “Keep Healthy” words or symbols and put your cleaning supplies and mask for the family in there.
3. Keep up with virtual classes, Pilates, meditation, yoga online. Its new adopt the idea. Google in free virtural classes for yoga, pilates, meditation etc. Studios are offering all kinds of blocks for keep going staying healthy sites. Check them out.
4. Take your own snacks. Fruts, veggies, home made energy cookies. Make it fun. Check out tupperware containers, cookware that help shape your snacks into fun shapes and sizes. Also google FUN recipes for outdoor camping tips. If you like oatmeal by all means google in oatmeal based snacks. There are a ton of ideas.
Always go to balancenstrength.com to see short videos on basic Pilates to get you started with exercises on the mat, and blog post for updated information on questions/answers on body alignment.