My Experience so far as a Pilates instructor and back to teaching in the schools has been different.
Four realities now:
- Wearing mask has impacted us by not hearing each other clearly, seeing clearly facial expressions and it upfront message as I cant get close.
- Exercising with mask, I see alot of this in what i do as a Pilates instructor, we get tired more easy, some have quite coming to open classes and even though virtural is an option, some say they miss the connection.
- Maintaining social distance/people concerned with geting too close, touching each other. This for all of us is a coping strategy for now, but coping makes daily “Joys” strained. Lets face it we are humans that need love and connection and we will get through this, the reality of the struggle is real.
- Is the sense of isolation and perhaps loneliness real? Yes By all means bring self care into everyday. Journal your thoughts, call a friend, get a project you have always wanted to do, music, art, singing. Sit in the sunshine.
How to keep the positive attitude while the going can be tough. Four ideas to staying connected.
- make your mask a piece for conversation. make funny symbols on it. Say things like I love you but do funny hands that reach but say i want to give you a hug but cant at this moment. Maybe both will laugh
- Keep finding virtural classes ask a friend to join you
- Create funny social distance symbols for each to stand on
- Perhaps start a virtual support group and spend 20 min talking about a creative project to show group next time.