My Story: I got an apartment part-time close to a conservatory to study my art, music and study and teach...
add_filter( ‘gform_ppcp_disable_funding’, ‘ppcp_disable_credit’ ); function ppcp_disable_credit( $disabled_funding ) { $disabled_funding[] = ‘credit’; return $disabled_funding; }
My Story: I got an apartment part-time close to a conservatory to study my art, music and study and teach...
CORE DEFINITION: Core strength are the muscles of the trunk that help stabilize the spine. Most people think of abdominal...
4 SIMPLE GUIDELINES to health : Sunshine walk, sit outside in a chair and close your eyes for a...
Nothing like good ole fashion classical Pilates to learn how to really understand your body. Lets say your fitness goals...
5 things that might be happening The start did not get started. You are not alone! Thats why I ask....
8 Signs you’re thinking strong: BEING RESPECTFUL: To be kind and respectful to some may mean you’re a pushover or...
Being mindful means brain power, thought, awareness having a conversation with ourselves and with others. Getting connected. Again the list...
Learn Mindfulness Research has been educating us for some years now about how the brain can be rewired from various....
SAVE THE DATE CINCINNATI. ITS HERE CLASSICAL PILATES Join our new Classical Pilates class When: Thursdays | Starting January 9-March...
Change your attitude and focus on health and fitness. Ask yourself these questions these top 4 questions: 1....