What does stay focused mean?
To stay focused means to simply persist with the task at hand. To continue to work towards whatever it is that you need to do and ensure that you stay concentratedon that one activity.
Get This!! It isn’t about multitasking. It isn’t daydreaming. Its Focusing in on the task at hand and putting in the work get it done.
You are paying attention, like a camera lens or your eyes that lens is focused in on the object or task, adjustments are made to see clearly. Unlike camera lens think of beam of light focused and shining in on that one idea.
3 Traits of a Focused Person:
1. One Thing at a Time. The focused person strives to do the difficult thing first from their list of priorities. Living more in the moment and keep that realistic. RESULTS they are highly productive.
2. Don’t Postpone decision or action. Procrastination is out, what needs to be done today, they do not postpone it until tomorrow. Keep deligence healthy.
3. Have strong boundaries. Having strong boundaries with yourself and others. Results: Keeps you in reasonably good company and out of toxic ( gossip, gaslighting, and other demeaning behaviors) situations
Most of All keep the LOVE and COMPASSION ALIVE for yourself and others.
From Balancenstrength. For more ideas visit us today. We help to support you and your goals through our mental and physical training in Classical Pilates. Give the gift.